Welcome to Uniontown! Brought to you by the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO and co-hosted by LA Fed President Ron Herrera and Political Coordinator Hugo Romero, we dive deep into the backstories of workers and the journey of iconic leaders from their first job to their greatest victory, in every aspect of the movement from Hollywood to the docks. Learn behind-the-scenes stories behind milestone moments and the not-ready-for-prime-time details behind everything from policy to protests. This is a place for unique American stories, stories of immigrants and outcasts, stories of the heartland, and the outliers. We hope you enjoy your stay.

Tuesday May 11, 2021
Episode 09 - Susan Minato
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Kicking off API History Month, we’re joined by co-president of UNITE HERE Local 11, Susan Minato, on this episode of Welcome to Uniontown. We learn about how her career took her from labor lawyer to labor organizer, her philosophy behind her organizing, her thoughts on how our country can address anti-Asian hate crimes, and her message for the LA Fed’s Policy Director, Rob Nothoff.
A podcast from the Los Angeles County of Labor, AFL-CIO.
Produced by Hugo Romero, Christian Castro, and Scarlett Ying
Sound Editing: Jared Batty (of IATSE Local 33)
Music: The Nightwatchman - Union Town. Special thanks to Tom Morello (of Rage Against the Machine and proud AFM Local 47 union member) for providing us with the music from his solo project.
Art: Otha Davis III aka Vakseen

Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Episode 08 - Senator Alex Padilla
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
LA's very own U.S. Senator (and former intern of the LA Fed) Alex Padilla joins us on this episode of Welcome to Uniontown to talk about his new role in DC as our junior Senator and discuss the PRO Act. We learn about his background as the proud son of immigrants from Mexico living in the Valley (his father a short-order cook and UNITE HERE Local 11 member, his mother a housekeeper), his degree in Mechanical Engineering from MIT, his journey in politics, and who at the LA Fed currently works in his old office.
A podcast from the Los Angeles County of Labor, AFL-CIO.
Produced by Hugo Romero, Christian Castro, and Scarlett Ying
Sound Editing: Jared Batty (of IATSE Local 33)
Music: The Nightwatchman - Union Town. Special thanks to Tom Morello (of Rage Against the Machine and proud AFM Local 47 union member) for providing us with the music from his solo project.
Art: Otha Davis III aka Vakseen

Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Episode 07: Dr. Melina Abdullah
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Professor and proud California Faculty Association union member, Dr. Melina Abdullah joins us on this episode of Welcome to Uniontown. From recounting her roots in labor that sparked her childhood love of unions to discussing sacrifices endured by grassroots organizers, we learn what has inspired and shaped her field of study as an academic scholar, her teachings as an educator, and her activism as a Co-Founder of Black Lives Matter - Los Angeles.
A podcast from the Los Angeles County of Labor, AFL-CIO.
Produced by Hugo Romero, Christian Castro, and Scarlett Ying
Sound Editing: Jared Batty (of IATSE Local 33)
Music: The Nightwatchman - Union Town. Special thanks to Tom Morello (of Rage Against the Machine and proud AFM Local 47 union member) for providing us with the music from his solo project.
Art: Otha Davis III aka Vakseen

Monday Mar 08, 2021
Episode 06: Julián Castro
Monday Mar 08, 2021
Monday Mar 08, 2021
Julián Castro, former Mayor of San Antonio, Texas and President Obama's Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, joined us back in early February, prior to the storms in Texas, for this episode of Welcome to Uniontown. We hear about the inspirational women in his life, his thoughts on the importance of building bridges between communities of color in activist spaces, and his answer to the critical question: In & Out or Whataburger?
A podcast from the Los Angeles County of Labor, AFL-CIO.
Produced by Hugo Romero, Christian Castro, and Scarlett Ying
Sound Editing: Jared Batty (of IATSE Local 33)
Music: The Nightwatchman - Union Town. Special thanks to Tom Morello (of Rage Against the Machine and proud AFM Local 47 union member) for providing us with the music from his solo project.
Art: Otha Davis III aka Vakseen

Monday Feb 22, 2021
Episode 05: Rev. James M. Lawson Jr.
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Monday Feb 22, 2021
In this episode of Welcome to Uniontown, we're joined by activist and scholar Reverend James M. Lawson Jr., who was a leading theoretician and tactician of nonviolence within the Civil Rights movement. We learn the reason he left the South to come to Los Angeles, look back on his memories of getting arrested with CA State Senator (and former LA Fed President) Maria Elena Durazo, and hear the advice he has to bestow to young organizers.
A podcast from the Los Angeles County of Labor, AFL-CIO.
Produced by Hugo Romero, Christian Castro, and Scarlett Ying
Sound Editing: Jared Batty (of IATSE Local 33)
Music: The Nightwatchman - Union Town. Special thanks to Tom Morello (of Rage Against the Machine and proud AFM Local 47 union member) for providing us with the music from his solo project.
Art: Otha Davis III aka Vakseen

Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Episode 04: Richard Trumka
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
We welcome America's highest-ranking union leader Richard Trumka, AFL-CIO President, to Uniontown. He looks back on his days as a mineworker, explains why labor is not at odds with environmental rights, and reflects on how his first childhood lesson from his father about racism leads to his conclusion that America can't just be built back, but must be built back better.
A podcast from the Los Angeles County of Labor, AFL-CIO.
Produced by Hugo Romero, Christian Castro, and Scarlett Ying
Sound Editing: Jared Batty (of IATSE Local 33)
Music: The Nightwatchman - Union Town. Special thanks to Tom Morello (of Rage Against the Machine and proud AFM Local 47 union member) for providing us with the music from his solo project.
Art: Otha Davis III aka Vakseen

Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Episode 03: Maxine Waters
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
We welcome inspirational role model Congressmember "Aunty" Maxine Waters to Uniontown. She joins us not just to discuss her early days as a garment worker to a transformational leader in Los Angeles and our country, but ALSO to pull the receipts on her haters and the current administration.
A podcast from the Los Angeles County of Labor, AFL-CIO.
Produced by Hugo Romero, Christian Castro, and Scarlett Ying
Sound Editing: Jared Batty (of IATSE Local 33)
Music: The Nightwatchman - Union Town. Special thanks to Tom Morello (of Rage Against the Machine and proud AFM Local 47 union member) for providing us with the music from his solo project.
Art: Otha Davis III aka Vakseen

Monday Oct 19, 2020
Episode 02: James P. Hoffa
Monday Oct 19, 2020
Monday Oct 19, 2020
In this episode of Welcome to Uniontown, we're joined by James P. Hoffa, who has led the International Brotherhood of Teamsters since 1998 - the second longest-serving President in Teamsters' history. We journey into the past to his days as a football player, take a look at the evolution of the Teamsters during his leadership, discuss the war on workers, and get his thoughts on the Trump administration and Election 2020.
A podcast from the Los Angeles County of Labor, AFL-CIO.
Produced by Hugo Romero, Christian Castro, and Scarlett Ying.
Music: The Nightwatchman - Union Town. Special thanks to Tom Morello (of Rage Against the Machine and proud AFM Local 47 union member) for providing us with the music from his solo project.
Art: Otha Davis III aka Vakseen

Monday Sep 07, 2020
Episode 01: Dolores Huerta
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Monday Sep 07, 2020
This week on Welcome to Uniontown, iconic labor leader Dolores Huerta sits down with podcast host Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO President Ron Hererra and co-host Political Coordinator Hugo Romero to share little-known aspects of her early life and her beginnings in the movement. From her storied partnership with Cesar Chavez to her interactions with James Hoffa and Robert Kennedy. The episode brings in inspiring insights, humor, and anecdotes that allow a rare window into her legendary life.
A podcast from the Los Angeles County of Labor, AFL-CIO.
Sound Editing: Jared Batty (of IATSE Local 33)
Music: The Nightwatchman - Union Town. Special thanks to Tom Morello (of Rage Against the Machine and proud AFM Local 47 union member) for providing us with the music from his solo project.
Art: Otha Davis III aka Vakseen

Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Episode 00: Ron Herrera
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
On this special sneak preview episode, Los Angeles County Federation of Labor President Ron Herrera welcomes you to Uniontown.
A podcast from the Los Angeles County of Labor, AFL-CIO.
Sound Editing: Jared Batty (of IATSE Local 33)
Music: The Nightwatchman - Union Town. Special thanks to Tom Morello (of Rage Against the Machine and proud AFM Local 47 union member) for providing us with the music from his solo project.
Art: Otha Davis III aka Vakseen